Saturday, December 10, 2011

News and a long rant

Well I haven't posted for a long time and deleted all of my old posts so I'm not a very exciting blogger these days. But reading Sandy's rant made me want to have one of my own. Not sure anyone reads this anyway.

I'm moving and selling a bunch of stuff. Moving crap costs a lot of money these days so I don't want to move anything 1200 miles and pay for it if I really don't need it. So I'm selling my gas CharBroil BBQ. I had it connected to a natural gas connection for a year before I moved and never bothered to buy a tank for it at my new place as I knew it would be hard for me to figure out how to connect it. So I decided to sell it. At first I started at $80 (I paid $269) then lowered it to $50 to get rid of it. This guy has sent me no less than 13 texts asking me questions about it and about 3 phone calls. This morning he went to Lowe's (where I bought it) and called me at 7:45 a.m. asking me if when I had it connected to natural gas did I keep all the parts for the tank? Also could I give him a demonstration that it works? FU buddy. OMG. I'd rather give the damned thing to the humane society thrift store than spend one more minute answering your questions about an item that is USED and CHEAP! Figure it the F out! The thing is practically brand new -- if it needs a part here or there then take it to Lowe's and have them figure out what $2 part you need on your NEW $50 BBQ. So I basically got pissy with the guy on the phone and told him if he wants to buy it he can come over and look at it and see if it meets his specifications if not don't buy it - buy a new one at Lowe's if he's so concerned about "parts." Then I hung up. I was pissed. Who do these people think they are? It's USED!

On that note, last week I sold items that originally cost me a boat load for pennies on the dollar. No one wants to pay a dime for anything these days. I don't blame them. Times are plenty tough around here. I am seeing more and more homeless people where I live right outside my door and it is very disturbing. I also gave a lot of things away. Some things people wouldn't even take for free. This is also disturbing. We are all so inundated with CRAP. Really. Look around your own homes. I have spent that last two weeks going through stuff and I cannot believe how much I have. It is sickening really. But I love stuff. I love my crap. I can't part with some of it and it will move with me the 1200 miles. I know before I actually do go I will part with even more but this is the first go around. The other thing I have are boatloads and boxes of photos and photo albums. They are a thing of the past now with digital this and that. But for those of us over 25 years old we will be carrying around these photo albums that will weigh us down for years unless we scan all the pics we want into the computer and who has time to scan 40 years worth of pictures? Not me. I did scan a lot last weekend but it didn't make a bit of a dent in what I had. So they will be lugged around with me just in case my grandchildren want to peruse through them some day.

Moving is a pain. There is no way around it. But it is nice that I have some time to actually look inside boxes I have moved the last few moves and never looked at. But as I said it is also a bit disturbing to see what I have kept and also disturbing that I can't seem to part with some of this stuff. I'm not a hoarder by any means but it just makes me wonder how much stuff do we really need? I'm going into minimalist mode when I move north. I have no idea where I am going to be living in a few months. Still with my Mom and part time with the BF? Or will I have my own little place? I like the idea of having my own little place but it depends on whether or not I can afford it. Once again I am looking for a job and have applied at quite a few places and have not received ONE phone call. Not one. Here I go again. The last job I got was only because I knew someone. Is that the only way you get a job these days is if you know someone? Those of you in hiring positions is this the case? Do you only interview people who are recommended by others because there are so many applicants? I'm just curious.

I'm praying that my unemployment gets reinstated. I have an interview next week on the phone. Keep your fingers crossed. If that doesn't come through it could get ugly.

I go back and forth on my move. But at this point there isn't any going back. I can't afford to stay here in CA. It's way too expensive where I live. Plus since I quit my job I have no income. Midlife crisis someone asked. Maybe. Could be. Am I worried. Of course. I'm a worrier. This isn't like me to up and quit a job so I must have been desperate. The last few years have taken a major toll. I don't think I realized how much until this last month. When you have to visit your son in jail it does something to you. I just wish things could have been different. I wish I hadn't left my home town 12 years ago to come to CA. My ex wanted to move back here and I didn't. I should've stayed. Things might have been different for me and my children. But you do what you think is right at the time and at the time I couldn't separate the kids from their Dad. Now I look back and it would've been the right thing to do. But who knew. Who knew.

Great. Now someone is operating a jack hammer at 8:23 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Lovely.

The great thing is I am not Obese anymore. I'd love to lose more weight but I'm holding steady at a 50 lb total loss. I eat pretty much whatever I want when I want. That is the problem. My weight does fluctuate week to week by 5-6 lbs sometimes but never more than that. Some days I eat more than others. It seems like I am eating all the time and I should be gaining a ton of weight but I don't large quantities like I used to. That is the key. Last night I had a small petite filet steak and ate the whole thing. That doesn't happen very often. It took me a while but I ate it and it was great. I'm not a big red meat eater anymore at all for some reason. But it was good! I had 3 cocktails too and a garden salad. This time of year the calories from alcohol are what get me. I try to abstain when I'm home alone but sometimes the wine is beckoning in the evenings.


  1. Hi Marie! Thanks for stopping by and making a comment on my blog today. I really appreciate that. How are things going? Have you moved/and how is the unemployment going?

  2. Hang in there....2012 will be a better year!
